Tuesday, 23 March 2010
uncle cpt sulaiman (UCS), g-pe, hafiCF, pol, bab & hanz speed off to kuala baram..
0815 hrs: assyukurillah the first bubu managed to catch grouper, snapper, kerisi bali & kapas kapas
0920 - 1000 hrs: our 2nd & 3rd bubu not too bad
1045 - 1345 hrs:drift fishing begin.. numerous kerisi bali with good sizes
1415 hrs: aji aji (king fish) 12 kg was dancing with bab's fishing rod.. game on, lets fish!
1505 hrs: UCS got two hits! unfortunately 120 lb leader ran into pieces, perhaps 20 kg king fish.. feel it!
1515 hrs: hafiCF was bullied hahaha. simply bcoz he was toying with spinning reel & rod. hence, bab lent him ocea jigger (overhead rod & spool) hehehee, cheers bab setia kawan bro
1525 hrs: pol got king fish 12 kg
1540 hrs: the 3rd king fish hooked!
1600 hrs: off to jerudong due to brutal weather
UCS, uncle cpt sulaiman.. santai yaa banggg
aint many fish were snapped due to aquatic-shutterbug abgCF unavail for the trip. croxfiber was told he checked in at junjong bed & breakfast hehehee
- overhead reel & rod of p 4 to 8 should be the toy
- 500 ft depth
- bajau's style of 3 to 4 hooks
- minimum line of 80 lb (braided is advisable)
- leader of 100 lb & above
- saltwater weight / sinker of 600 g to 1.5 kg
- hooks size 7 & above
- umpan jangan pakai tulang ayam hahahaha
Posted by abg.CF at 11:50 0 comments
Labels: kerisi bali, kingfish, membangan
Monday, 22 March 2010
sembilang (catfish)
grouper 'c&r'
eel! hahaha, toying for fun with 5'6'' rod, 2,500 series reel, 15 lb braided, 20 lb leader & vmc 11 hook.. slice basong as a bait. the eel gave a good fight too! samsing..
Posted by abg.CF at 11:00 0 comments
Wednesday, 17 March 2010
isa with his anjun's catch
multiple hooks (appolo/ sabiki rig/ anjun) is fun
& several fish could be used as either live or dead baits
isa, haz alamrox, hafiCF, masrin & abgCF..
loosen up at pelumpong & muara zone
4' 6" rod, nearly C shape.. feel it!
another membangan (lutjanus campechanus, part of red snapper family)
Posted by abg.CF at 13:00 0 comments
Sunday, 14 March 2010
A sabiki rig, or simply sabiki, is a set of small lures
Typically used to catch plankton eating fish. A sabiki is typically fished off boats, piers, jetties, or any structure over the water. Sabikis consist of any number (usually between 6 and 10) of small hooks each on a leader which is a few inches long. The individual leaders are then tied to a longer leader in series, about 6 inches apart; a weight is tied to the end of the leader

The individual hooks are decorated as lures, usually resembling small shrimp, or tied like flies similar to those ised in fly fishing. Often they have a simple piece of metalic or pearlescent film attached to them. On any individual rig all of the lures will be identical
The type or size sabiki used depends on water conditions, species of fish sought or simply the anglers preference
Appolo or sabiki rigs with their many small, sharp hooks are easily tangled and can be a nuisance to the angler. If they are not handled carefully the angler can be hooked. This can be avoided by using a sabiki rod

A sabiki rod is a hollow fishing rod with a funnel shaped tip. The line is fed from the reel through the hollow body of the rod and out of the funnel shaped tip

When the the sabiki rig is reeled in the hooks and leaders are drawn directly into the rod where they will not tangle or injure the angler
In Brunei Darussalam, we called it anjun
lets fish! game on... feel it!
credits: wikipedia/ flickr / numerous data
Posted by abg.CF at 19:01 0 comments
Labels: sabiki
Friday, 12 March 2010
introduced by kryston in 1988 the radical hooklink material took the fish angling market by storm. braid is a strong, supple, non-stretch material made from woven man-made fibers!
with incredible strength compared to their diameter, it was the suppleness of the material that first attracted fish anglers! this allows the hookbait to act very naturally underwater
however, braid doesn't sink as well as mono & is prone to tangling..
with a light refractivity index similar to water, fluorocarbon is almost invisible to sea creatures!
it offers excellent anti-ejection properties & is very fast sinking. its only disadvantage is that it doesn't knot as well as mono, braid or coated braid..
it is available in stiff & limp versions for a variety of different rig presentations
coated braid
this sees a soft braided line covered in athin plastic coating. this stiffens the braid & makes it far less likely to tangle on the cast..
part of the coating can be removed near the hook to allow the hookbait to have greater movement on the soft braid core
the better known coated braids include kryston's snake-bite, nash's missing link, fox cortex, pallatrax steam link & koda's hybird
credits: the best of UKCarp/ flickr/ numerous info
Posted by abg.CF at 12:00 0 comments
Labels: info
Monday, 8 March 2010
sof alamrox & zul pudak were excited to witness luxury cruise vacation from regent seven seas cruises entering brunei darussalam's bay
sof alamrox, zul puak, hafiCF, zuk alamrox & abgCF were at muara drop off (nearly 400 ft), unfortunately aint single sea creatures 're hooked. with a sudden wwaaakkkk..ouukkkk somebody was hit by sea sickness (ada orang muntah bahh hehehe). hence, we went to muara putus & someone got heat stroked (fanninggg ia.. ampai ampai hahaha). what a day!
inorder to avoid any sickness, we simply off to pudak & sof alamrox was happy with his 1st catch (jangan muntah lagi hahaha & bapanya zuk alamrox lah yang ampai ampai.. paning yaa banggg)
lane snapper, his 2nd catch!
lane snapper (lutjanus synagris) - little snapper is identified by its pink & yellow stripes, the black edge of its tail fin & the large spot on each side between the dosal fin & the lateral line
although it usually weighs less than 1 lb (454 g), it's popular with anglers because it can be caught from piers & the shore.. good to eat!
for reference only, the size comparison & family hierarchy of snappers i.e. lane snappers (max less 454 g) then become gray snapper (max 10 lb, 4.54 kg), mutton snapper (max 5 - 10 lb, 2.27 - 4.54 kg), river roman (8 lb 13 oz, 4 kg), red snapper (35 lb, 16 kg) and cubera snapper (weight over 126 lb, 57 kg with a length 5ft)
credits: flickr/ the new encyclopedia of fishing/ numerous data
Posted by abg.CF at 09:01 0 comments
Labels: ketambak